Falling Leaves and Ice Cream Trucks

The weatherman called for rain with today’s cold front, but the only rain I see is the leaves falling by the thousands in the wind. I don’t expect to be posting many more beautiful autumn tree photos. The trees bereft of their joyful adornment are not subjects for exclamations of admiration. This is the start of the time of year that usually makes me sad.

My daughter’s father-in-law died this week. I’m sad for the huge loss to Tom’s family, knowing how much they’ll miss him. His passing will leave a huge hole in their lives.

But, as I consider these things that ordinarily would make me gloomy and depressed, I realized I’m surprisingly upbeat today. The cycle of life plays out in exactly the way our Creator made it to; summer gives way to autumn and then to winter. It happens in our lives much as it does in nature.

It’s still too early to speak of spring.

We sat with our daughter and her sweetie last night, along with our grandchildren, and we talked about the man who will never joke with them again—will never share his stash of goodies purchased from the neighborhood ice cream truck with them again—will never cheer on the kids from the game’s sidelines again.

There was sadness. Great sadness.

And then, we laughed as we thought about his dad jokes, and about him stopping the ice cream truck like a kid.

There are good things here. Really good things.

I’m weeping for the sad things.

I’m rejoicing for the good ones.

Our hope will not disappoint.

It won’t.


© Paul Phillips. He’s Taken Leave. 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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